[TRANS] 120912 EXO K – Weibo


[TRANS]On the 18th September (next Tuesday) at 10:30, popular Korean group, @EXO-K shall land on Sina, and chat online for the first time! Following the management company’s request, on that day, the chat will not be allowing the entrance of any guests. Because it’s like this, the live broadcast and on-demand broadcast is even more precious; Everyone, all the fans, please don’t feel disappointed, and remember to follow our live broadcast on time.

source cr; 新浪嘉宾聊天’s weibo
trans cr; hyerin @exom-trans
please take out with full credits 

[TRANS] 120807 EXO-K/M’s Update Weibo

SMTOWN LIVE WORLD TOUR Ⅲ,日本都抓住了!东京巨蛋演唱会吸引了共10万观众 ‘蔚为大观’ http://t.cn/zWOahab

SMTOWN LIVE WORD TOUR III, has even caught Japan! The Tokyo Dome concert attracted 100,000 spectators to “present a spendid sight” http://t.cn/zWOahab

source; exom’s weibo
trans cr; xuan@exom-trans
please take out with full credits.